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SysV init scripts

Dear All,

Just another point to throw into the debate on configuring
process/service starting/stopping.

Currently many rc.d scripts look for configurations in /etc to decide
whether to start or not when init calls them.  For example, xdm, pppd.

This means I cannot, for example, boot multiuser without xdm running,
and then change runlevel or make a call to /etc/init.d/xdm to start it

Similarly, some networking daemons may only make sense to have started
when there's an external network connection.  If I don't want bind
started at boot time, I have to copy the contents of /etc/init.d/bind
into ip-up, since calling the rc.d script will not start it.

I'd like to see a clarification of run level uses (my system exhibits
no difference between runlevels 2,3,4 and 5).  I must admit, the only
bit of NT 3.51 administration I liked was its 'service manager'.

My £0.02 :)


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