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packages to be debianized:

Hi all fellow Debian developers!

I'm wishing to see the following packages debianized:

djgpp        GCC crosscompiler for dos (potentialy lot of work)
xwin?	     Willows's windows 3.1 emulator. (http://www.willows.com)
	     Didn't come with a reasonable license - the license 
             it came with seemed to refer to their crosscompiling
	     kit, not on xwin...
Midas        a soundfx/music-playing lib. 
Doom	     <dream>I saw sources for dos doom floating around maybe they
             will release linux sources too </dream>

If no-one else is willing to take these, I'll take them , but it's going
to take some time, and I dont no if I'm capable on doing all the job...

I'll start working on folowing ones, if nobody else is already doing the

l3enc/l3dec  (see ftp://ftp.fhg.de/pub/layer3/l3faq.html)(nonfree)

Smodem       bidirectional replacment for zmodem - allows chatting while
             transferring files (non-free and depends on ncurses4 - when
             is it going to be avaible?

      Riku Voipio                     e-mail:                    ///\\\
    pohjolankatu 20 A 12         riku.voipio@sci.fi             ////\\\\
     50120 Mikkeli            finger voipio@sci.fi for pgp     /////\\\\\

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