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I am taking over package management for XEmacs 19.14 from Darren, and
also planning on putting out XEmacs 20.0.  (this is my first time
doing this so it is taking me a bit :)

I'm planning on allowing both v19 and v20 XEmacs to be installed.
XEmacs will be compiled with mule support, and while some people will
want it I assume others will not want it (it slows down XEmacs a
noticeable amount, so I figured the choice would be better).  XEmacs
20.0 without mule support is actually faster than 19.14, but figuring
out how to deal with that is a little beyond me at the moment (and
19.15 should be faster than 20.0 without mule, so it'll be better when
that is released).

The only hitch I still haven't figured out is dealing with package
installed .el files in /usr/lib/emacs/site-list.  I don't feel it is
right to just add that directory to the load path because there are
enough difference between GNU Emacs and XEmacs that it might cause
problems (esp v20 and GNU Emacs).  My current though is to deal with
one .el file (debian-changelog-mode.el since I am using that), and let
the rest be dealt with locally if the local person wants to.  (though
this is a bad solution I must admit).  Does anyone have any

Does anyone have an general suggestions/comments/thoughts/concerns/etc?


@James LewisMoss                 | moss@cs.sc.edu | Blessed Be!
@    http://www.cs.sc.edu/~moss  | dres@scsn.net  | Linux is cool!
@"Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours." Bach

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