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Re: 3270 terminal emulator for Debian/Linux?

Christian Schwarz wrote:
> I need a 3270 (actually 3278) terminal emulator for a Debian system which
> has no X window system (so I can't use x3270). I found a tn3270 5.1.0
> package on the Internet, but it's quite old (I think it's dated 1994). 
> So I'm wondering which programs others use. (I might create a Debian
> package if there is need for that.)
> Anyways, I tried to access a MVS IBM mainframe with the tn3270. It seemed
> to work, but the screen is screwed up. Does someone have any experience
> with this and can give me a hint?

I am running some version of tn3270 on my linux box, and it works very
well with the exception of the screwed up screen.  (I'm also connecting to
an MVS mainframe, and I get a lot of extra reverse video, but everything
else is just fine.)

Getting tn3270 to compile was enough of a hassle, so I didn't bother
with the screen details.  But my brief net search didn't reveal any
newer versions of tn3270 than the 5.1.0 you mention.  A few months ago
someone asked about tn3270 and nobody volunteered any real information.

If you want my hacked up sources for tn3270, let me know.



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