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Re: Intention to re-write /usr/sbin/install-info

If install-info have a different interface with the same name, we should
change it.  However, an immediate change would probably upset some people.
Instead, move debian's install-info to dinstall-info and make a script
where /usr/sbin/install-info was:

echo "This is debian's install-info, which is now called dinstall-info."
echo "The normal install-info is in /usr/bin.  This script will fall back"
echo "on debian's install-info.  Please make any necessary changes so you"
echo "don't see this warning since this forward will be removed in the"
echo "future."
sleep 10

# I know $* works with /bin/bash, does it also work with sh?
/usr/sbin/dinstall-info $*


Brandon Mitchell                         E-mail: bhmit1@mail.wm.edu
  Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/7877/home.html
                  PGP: finger -l bhmit1@cs.wm.edu                 
"We all know Linux is great...it does infinite loops in 5 seconds."
	--Linus Torvalds

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