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Rosegarden and tclmidi and clisp

Is there a package of rosegarden available?  A package search and quick
look at work-needing/prospective packages show none.  If there isn't one,
is there an interest in one?  There's a new release coming up and I'm
trying to convince the upstream maintainers to go GPL instead of their
current license,  which doesn't allow commercial use without permission of
the developers.

Also,  the new release will require tclmidi,  so if there isn't a package
of that I'll have to make one;  I'm not even sure what it is yet.

And those awaiting the working clisp package:  After consultation with the
writer of clisp,  we've discovered that a working copy including FFI
requires some major porting to libc6 due to some new header file thingies;
I'm working on it,  but it's going to be a little while yet.


Good Idea: 	Feeding Stray Cats in the Park.
Bad Idea:	Feeding Stray Cats in the park ... to a bear.

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