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Re: Why no listing in packages for ssh, apache-ssl, etc. (And no US sites?)

On Sun, 12 Oct 97 23:57 PDT, Bruce Perens wrote:

>You can make _your_own_ decision to mirror crypto software in the U.S.
>I do not advise it, the project would not sanction it, and it would

Is that you making this decision, or has it been discussed?

>definitely not be "official". I find myself powerless to stop you.
>I don't approve of crypto export restrictions either.
>Are you ready to be a test case? If so, you might want to send some email
>to the State and Commerce departments once your mirror is running, and to
>CIA and FBI, etc. If you fight the government and win a clear victory in
>court, it would be helpful to the rest of us.

My logs show that the treasury dept has been to my webpage several times; the 
webpage that states that I do not and never will pay the income tax. (As well as 
my public proclimations as such, clearly viewable via Deja News)

Do you think I'm worried about some pidily shit crypto laws that are against public 
opinon, difficult to prosicute, and are on the virge of being nullified in court? Hell 

It would just make me feel good to add this item to my list of 'daily felonies' while I 
still can. I think it would also make a lot of people in the project fell real good about 
openly supporting me (and others who should dare) in my effort in doing so.

I believe that up until the site admin that hosted ftp.debian.org got upity, the project 
used to make crypto available in the US. I would like to see it return to this, for the 
site that are willing to carry it.
http://www.psychosis.com/emc/		Elite MicroComputers   908-541-4214
http://www.psychosis.com/linux-router/	Linux Router Project

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