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Re: Why no listing in packages for ssh, apache-ssl, etc. (And no US sites?)

'Dave Cinege wrote:'
>On Sun, 12 Oct 97 23:57 PDT, Bruce Perens wrote:
>>You can make _your_own_ decision to mirror crypto software in the U.S.
>>I do not advise it, the project would not sanction it, and it would
>Is that you making this decision, or has it been discussed?
>My logs show that the treasury dept has been to my webpage several times; the 
>webpage that states that I do not and never will pay the income tax. (As well as 
>my public proclimations as such, clearly viewable via Deja News)
>Do you think I'm worried about some pidily shit crypto laws that are against public 
>opinon, difficult to prosicute, and are on the virge of being nullified in court? Hell 
>It would just make me feel good to add this item to my list of 'daily felonies' while I 
>still can. I think it would also make a lot of people in the project fell real good about 
>openly supporting me (and others who should dare) in my effort in doing so.

Right now I mirror from Europe (but keep it private as I do have the
committment to fight this battle yet).  Please start your mirror and
publicize it.  I would definitely use your site and testify as to how
wonderful this public service you propose to offer is to myself and
all humanity.  From where I am ftp.lh.umu.se has the best
connectivity.  My mirror.defaults is

    comment=Mirror of Debian non-US

I'm looking forward to switching this to point to your ftp site!

Christopher J. Fearnley          |  Linux/Internet Consulting
cjf@netaxs.com                   |  Design Science Revolutionary
http://www.netaxs.com/~cjf       |  Explorer in Universe
ftp://ftp.netaxs.com/people/cjf  |  "Dare to be Naive" -- Bucky Fuller

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