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Re: static UID/GID?

On Oct 15, Marco Budde <Marco.Budde@hqsys.antar.com> wrote:

 >directory. We've agreed on using the UID ftn. The ifmail maintainer  
 >suggests using the GID uucp, because this is the ifmail standart. Is this  
 >a good idea? In my opinion it's not a good idea, because the Fido programs  
 >have nothing in common with uucp. And ifmail use uucp as standart GID,  
 >because a lot of Linux distributions use uucp as GID for the serial/modem  
 >devices. But we use dialout as GID.
Ifmail has never been sgid uucp, this is not the true rationale.

 >Therefor I would suggest that we use the group ftn, because for example  
 >the news daemons have their own GID, too. And the UID ftn would be member
Ifmail does not needs any additional GID, and AFAIK neither fidogate does.
 >of the ftn and the dialout group. Is this a good resolution?
ftn should be a member of the dialout group, but it does not needs any
new group. If fidogate needs a group for security reasons then you should
use ftn, otherwise I don't think we need another group, uucp works fine.

 >And should we use a dynamically created UID/GID or a static one? I think  
 >that we should use a static one, because it's used by more than one  
 >program (at the moment 3 programs).
I don't know. Now ifmail uses a dynamically created UID, and I can't think
any reason it should be statically allocated.


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