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static UID/GID?

Moin Moin!

At the moment I'm packing the program fidogate (a FIDO <-> Usenet
gateway). This program gets the Fido packages from the program ifmail or  
the program Brinkley. ifmail and Brinkley are packaged by another member  
of the Debian team. All programs will use the same spool directory
(/var/spool/ftn) to exchange the Fido packages.

At the moment we're not sure, which user and which group should own the  
directory. We've agreed on using the UID ftn. The ifmail maintainer  
suggests using the GID uucp, because this is the ifmail standart. Is this  
a good idea? In my opinion it's not a good idea, because the Fido programs  
have nothing in common with uucp. And ifmail use uucp as standart GID,  
because a lot of Linux distributions use uucp as GID for the serial/modem  
devices. But we use dialout as GID.

Therefor I would suggest that we use the group ftn, because for example  
the news daemons have their own GID, too. And the UID ftn would be member  
of the ftn and the dialout group. Is this a good resolution?

And should we use a dynamically created UID/GID or a static one? I think  
that we should use a static one, because it's used by more than one  
program (at the moment 3 programs).

cu, Marco

Uni: Budde@tu-harburg.d400.de      Fido: 2:240/5202.15
Mailbox: mbudde@hqsys.antar.com    http://www.tu-harburg.de/~semb2204/

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