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user contributed

a) some people want to contribute software.
b) they could do this as debian maintainer.

from my view, the problem is, that people want to do a), but don't know
how much work b) will be, and so they don't do anything. the solution is
not a "user contributed" area, we should invite people to become a
debian maintainer.

i know some people here using debian, and one of them said :
"i thought about packaging some programs, but to do it i have to become
 a debian maintainer, and maintain the program, and that might be too
 much work."

these people don't know what they can expect if they choose to do
something. uploading a user contributed package is easy : upload and
forget. no additional work.

i would like to do some "partnership" or so : people should test for a
while how it is to be a debian maintainer, and if they don't like it,
they can stop it. no risk, no commitment.

you and me : we know that this isn't necessary. debian-devel is a global
helper, that has all these functions described above. but people feel
much better if they have a person they can talk to, and not an anonyoums
mailing list. 

but the user contributed section has also an advantage : we can get
contacts to people who are too "shy" to become a debian maintainer.


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