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Re: Standard Debian system...

On Thu, Oct 16, 1997 at 12:13:58PM -0700, Sam Ockman wrote:
> Okay, svgalib is back in...Thanks for the input everyone.
> I'd still like lists of good/bad libraries/games/etc.

here some game suggestions:

nethack 	-it's a classic
fortunes        -preferrably included in /etc/profile
oneko		-fun for a while
xbill		-every anti-ms mans favourite
xblast		-this one rocks as a multiplayer game
xdemineur	-1:1 clone of windows mines
xkobo		-best arcade game
xsnow		-christmas season on your root window
xtron		-I maintain it because I like it :)

you'll probably want to to insert one of the many tetris clones
(I currently have xtet42, but I'm going to check others out).

freeciv and licity are supposed to be good, but i haven't tried them...
Gnu chess and xboard are famous, but very slow.

there are also many other games i haven't looked at, so you'll have to use
your own judgement for them. I'd also seriously consider adding quake,
since it's very famous, altough non-free. You may also want to compile the
now free abuse for hamm and include it there.

As for your task to fit debian to CD, you may want to remove some stuff
that is only use for few people (like ham/electronics stuff), some document
stuff (like xbook , doc-iana, doc-rfc).There are also many packages which
provide similar functionality (like emacs/xemacs, csh/tcsh etc...), where
having both installed is waist of space. For the libs, don't install any libs
that nothing depends on, and you will have a optimised set of libs.

Riku Voipio

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