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Standard Debian system...

I'm proceeding ahead with a "standard" base Debian system that I and others
have discussed here earlier...The first step is just coming up with 550
megabytes of software that can constitute a system which can be simply
installed should the user opt for it (550 megabytes is a convenient size for
a live file system on a Compact Disc...)

I have a base system that I have been using based on Debian 1.3.1 which is
about 995 packages and 850 megabytes, so I am whittling it down.  I thought
I'd play up Debian and Linux's natural strengths by making the system strong
for Developers and Networking tasks (serving/connectivity)...

Despite the fact that I spend about ten hours a day in front of a Debian
system though there are still many packages I know nothing about...So I was
hoping that people with specific interests would help me out by telling me
which packages they think are worthwhile and which are not in such a system.

In the case of packages that conflict I'd like to choose the most powerful
solution rather than the most common, as long as that doesn't sacrifice

So, in particular I don't play many games, so if someone could post there
opinion of the worth of the various games packages that would help... (a
division of yes/should be in there vs. no should not be will be helpful...)

And, if anyone has a lot of experience with a lot of developers
tools/libraries a similar list would be helpful.  The same goes for every
other category of software out there (networking and even things like
shells, window managers, Database type stuff, documentation, and editors...)

I'm thinking of leaving out SVGAlib (graphical stuff that isn't X based...)
Anyone object heavily to this?

And, of course, everything will be completely free software...(no


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