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Re: Standard Debian system...

On Wed, Oct 15, 1997 at 09:03:32PM -0700, Sam Ockman wrote:
> I'm thinking of leaving out SVGAlib (graphical stuff that isn't X based...)
> Anyone object heavily to this?

Are you sure about it?

You can use SVGAlib useful:

1) SVGATextmode makes it able to choose irrational high refresh rates and
resolution for your *text* modes (eg 100x37 chars with 65 MHz!)

2) To view a picture, or look at a dvi file (or even .ps), it would be
overkill to log in xdm and start an X application (takes much more time).
(packages zgv, tmview)

3) A few good games (maelstrom, gravitywars, quake) work only in SVGA or
work better in SVGA because they have a too tiny window in X (if you set
resolution to 1024x768, 320x200 is *very* small - unplayable).

4) I don't know about dosemu - does it use SVGAlib for graphic modes?

5) For small or slow computers svgalib is the only possibility to do

If you need more info about useful svga programs mail me. I'll throw my vote

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