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Re: mentors for new maintainers

  What, and no payment from the students! I say, not a pleasant notion!
  Perhaps, I am not accustomed to think of Igor dedicating effort 
and knowledge to a mentor class, as he is set out to do, and instruct for
no payment. You see, there is a greater benefit to Debian when those students
who are now so eager to learn from a teacher are compelled to pay for their
education. IT IS NOT TO BE FREE.

Yes, and they should pay. And the form of payment will be this:
once the students completed their course of study, each of them shall 
commit themselves and become instruction of others, the mentors for the
next classes. And therefore, the school starts now, but will last for ever. 


Ioannis Tambouras 
ioannis@flinet.com, West Palm Beach, Florida
Signed pgp-key on key server. 

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