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Meaning of `source code'

Juan Cespedes <cespedes@debian.org>
>         I'm having some problems interpreting the DFSG... the second
> point is this:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>      2.   Source Code
>           The program must include source code, and must allow
> distribution
>           in source code as well as compiled form.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>         What is `source code'?  According to the GPL, `source code'
> means this:

If the DFSG don't say that `source code' should be read as it is
defined in the GPL then they should do.

>         So, if I write a program which needs a non-free compiler to be
> built, that program _cannot be free_ according to the GPL.  But do we
> consider it free?

No, we do not.  We're even stricter - you have to be able to built it
using packages in the Debian main distribution.


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