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Re: Meaning of `source code'

> Juan Cespedes:
> > So, if I write a program which needs a non-free compiler to be
> > built, that program _cannot be free_ according to the GPL.  But do we
> > consider it free?
> The Debian Free Software Guidelines are more strict than the GPL on this
> point. The DFSG require that everything you use to build the program be
> free software, or the program itself would wind up in our "contrib"
> directory rather than in the main part of the system. The GPL makes
> exceptions for some libraries and other tools with the assumption that
> you are building a free program for use on a non-free system. Obviously,
> that assumption doesn't apply to Debian.

It is implicit in formulation of GPL. 

IF only main is considered to be 'debian' and contrib etc. 
   are optional (as per instructions for making cd-roms?) 
AND you can use the non-free tools and libraries
   that _come with operating system_ 
THEN free sw for debian _must be buildable_ with main only.

-- aa

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