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Re: Adding a driver at installation

Andre Henke <andre.henke@pnet.com.br> writes:
> I'm trying to make a new installation of Debian Linux.  However,
> although you're hardware HOWTO mentions compatability with the 3com
> 3c90x Boomerang PCI network adaptor, there is no option for this device
> in the installation routine.  The closest adaptor is the 3Com Vortex but
> this selection hangs the install process.  I looked at the nasa sight
> and saw that an uncompiled driver written in C exists for the Boomerand
> but I have no idea how to compile it and add it to the installation. (I
> am installing from the cdrom that came with the November issue of Boot
> Magazine.)  Should I create the kernal skipping the network card and try
> to add it later.  I hope to use this machine to run BIND and the Squid
> cache server so the network connection is pretty important.  Please send
> whatever advice you can.  Thanks in advance.

I think that you should probably do just like you said; i.e., install
the network card after the rest of the distribution.  You can just put
the driver source on a floppy disk to bring it over to the machine in
order to be compiled.  I did this with a machine of my own that has an
SMC EtherPower II (also at nasa) with no problems.
Ben Pfaff <pfaffben@pilot.msu.edu> <blp@gnu.org> <pfaffben@debian.org>
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