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Re: need comments on a copyright clause.

On Fri, 21 Nov 1997, Fabrizio Polacco wrote:

> Dale Scheetz wrote:
> > 
> > The non-contamination clause simply says that this library can not
> > require that all other software distributed with it be free.
> > The license in question does not seem to require this, [...]
> >> 3. Redistributions in any form must be accompanied by information on
> >>    how to obtain complete source code for the DB software and any
> >>    accompanying software that uses the DB software.  The source code
> >>    must either be included in the distribution or be available for no
> >>    more than the cost of distribution plus a nominal fee, and must be
> >>    freely redistributable under reasonable conditions. 
> please, reread this: 
> ]> complete source code for any accompanying software that uses the DB
> ]> software. The source code must be freely redistributable under
> ]> reasonable conditions.
> IMHO this is "requiring that all other software distributed with it be
> free".
The paragraph clearly says "uses" the software. I see that to say, "If you
use my program in other packages and they accompany this package, then
they must also be free.

Again, I must point out that what I think it means is not as important as
what the author thinks it means. If he, in fact, means that you can't
associate this package (aggregate) with non-free software then, by the
DFSG, this is also non-free. I just don't think that's what this says.

How hard is it to get a "reading" from the author?


_-_-_-_-_-_-                                          _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

aka   Dale Scheetz                   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
      Flexible Software              11000 McCrackin Road
      e-mail:  dwarf@polaris.net     Tallahassee, FL  32308

_-_-_-_-_-_- If you don't see what you want, just ask _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

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