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Re: Incoming on Master

> > I've been doing what I can to try and install packages.  Unfortunately, the
> > install script does not seem to have any way of forcing the install of
> > new packages.  Until Guy gets back on line, I've moved them to a directory
> > HELD-FOR-GUY.  Sorry about any inconvienience.
> Why is that directory not publically acessable anymore?  That means no
> developers can test those packages.  Does that make sense?  From your
> announcement I thought this directory would be located inside of the
> ftp server or inside of the hamm directory so normal users can use
> the files, too.

Because I didn't think of it...  I've fixed it now.  It's a sub-directory
under Incoming so it will have the same access as that.

                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )

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