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Re: dpkg2html?

> There's a nice utility(*) that can convert a set of .rpm files into a www
> pages tree.
> It has several advantages over the current pages generated on
> www.debian.org/Packages/ :
> - It handdles non-i386 binary packages.
> - The html output is (IMHO of course) nicer.
> - It's localized (English/French already done).
> - Lists the files contained in the package.
> It would be cool if someone could patch this program so it also accepts
> .deb files... 
> Oh, and package & upload it to master too. _(;
> 	Cordialement,
> (*): http://rufus.w3.org/linux/rpm2html/
Nicolas Lichtmaier takes care of the Packages dir.
Some points to consider:
 - This discussion should be on debian-www
 - Nick will be back from vacation in another week. Might as well hold
   off on this discussion until then.
 - The format of the output is trivial to change.
 - It is not internationalized, but that isn't  difficult.
 - Listing files contained in the packages on the web pages would take
   a lot of space. The Contents file is already over 10MB and that covers
   only a single version of Debian and has no markup. A guess would be
   an extra 50MB to do this (possibly less or more depending on how close
   the non-i386 distributions track the i-386 packages).
 - There are some other features that are IMO higher priority (such as link to
   the changelog, upstream source, upstream homepage). These also involve
   ripping the .deb apart, but except for the changelog are non-trivial to
   parse (no standard format).

- Jay

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