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pgp signing question

	I'd like to sign the changes file for uploading.  It used to work
automatically with dpkg-buildpackage. But something broke (it doesn't find
my key on the keyring, because it (dpkg ?) thinks my email address is
slightly different. )  I'd like to do it by hand.  I do
	pgp -sa file_to_sign, and then it writes a file, file_to_sign.asc
. This file has a "BEGIN PGP MESSAGE" line and a bunch of characters and
an ending line.  On other signed documents, I have seen  the original text
inserted in here, but pgp does not do this.  Can I insert it by hand ? I
spent a few hours last summer reading docs on pgp, and never saw this
question addressed.
	Thanks folks,

G John Lapeyre <lapeyre@physics.arizona.edu>
Tucson,AZ     http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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