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Re: policy violation and bug reports.

Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> Look at this:
> 	The core file is installed in 
>  /var/lib/lambdamoo/core.dist
> 	In the postinst, if  /var/lib/lambdamoo/core does not exist, 
>  copy /var/lib/lambdamoo/core.dist to /var/lib/lambdamoo/core. In any
>  case, echo '' > /var/lib/lambdamoo/core.dist.
>       If there are any upgrades, the postinst can ask to change it.

This still leaves us with a strangly empty /var/lib/lambdamoo/core.dist,
which is ugly and confusing (and I also think that deleting the file is
also ugly and confusing, so I see no way that isn't if we follow this

see shy jo

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