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Re: WvDial - quick observations

On Wed, Mar 04, 1998 at 11:27:28PM -0800, David Welton wrote:

> 1.  The config program doesnt seem to ask for username, phone number
> and password.  If this is targeted at newbies, it should say , if it
> does not do it itself, "please edit -configfile- now".

Well, I did get a bit lazy, now that you mention it.  The Debian package
postinst asks all the right questions, but that isn't available after the
package has been installed.

I should split this out somehow.

> 2. This config file should be 600.  This is extremely important.
> Maybe wvdialconfig should take care of this?

I suppose so.  Oops.  Like I mentioned in a previous message, I have rather
relaxed permissions on my box but I can see how we don't want normal users
reading the dialin password :)

> 3. Should it be overwriting pon and poff like that?

Well, it uses the alternatives and redirect mechanisms to get ppp's pon/poff
scripts moved to /usr/bin/pon.ppp and poff.ppp.  Whether this is allowed or
not by policy, I have no idea.  I've asked several times but no one has
answered :(

> I kind of like how pppd goes into the background instead of sticking
> around, taking up a window.

WvDial's replacement for pon goes into the background like pppd does. 
Basically, it runs
			wvdial >/var/log/ppp.log 2>&1 &

If someone sees a problem with this, let me know.

What I'd really like is for wvdial to background itself _after_ pppd has
made a successful connection.  I don't know how to do this other than with
some kind of weird combination of sockets and ip-up scripts.  I can
compromise by backgrounding just before starting pppd, but it's less nice.

Also, the full-foreground mode needs to stay around at least until someone
writes a nice graphical interface, because I like to start wvdial in a small
window by itself.  That reminds me when I'm online :)

> Some mention of disableing the 'connect' option in ppp/options might
> be good.  I have no idea what the defaults are anymore, though...

The Debian defaults don't put connect (or modem or baud rate) in
/etc/ppp/options.  Unfortunately, many people do and these options confuse
wvdial.  Something should probably be done about it.  I hesitate to do the
obvious thing, though, and start automatically commenting lines out of
people's /etc/ppp/options files.  Yecch.  (I think that's disallowed by
policy, too, though some people have argued that it's not against policy if
the _program_ does it, only if the _package_ does it.  Yeah, sure.)

Have fun,


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