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Re: Debian Bug#20445 disagree


> Sorry but I disagree. I believe the final 2.0 release will go out with a
> 2.0.x kernel not 2.1.x or 2.2.x and so the tree should not contain
> packages which rely on a 2.1.x kernel as they are as experimental as
> the features in the kernel they rely on.
> I still see this as a bug in the frozen distribution but as I said
> I'm not sure the correct way to approach it. If you can think of
> a better way I'll take your advice.

But there are lots of people using a stable (or even a frozen or
unstable) Debian system and running a 2.1.x development kernel. We
can't leave them out in the cold.

Before I released my smbfsx and ncpfsx I got tired of seeing messages
in debian-user like "I can't use ncpfs or smbfs in my Debian box
running a 2.1.x kernel". Then I decided to package the 2.1.x versions.

I don't see your point: we provide both the stable versions (ncpfs and
smbfs) and the unstable or development versions (ncpfsx and smbfsx).
If you want a stable system the run a stable kernel and the stable
userland utilities. If you want to be on the bleeding edge then run an
unstable kernel and the corresponding userland utilities. The
important thing is that you get to choose _and_ you are given both
stable and unstable options.

> Another example of this is the apache version which should go
> in the 2.0 release should be 1.2.x not 1.3.x as it is the stable
> version.

Here I agree: a 1.2.x (stable) version should be available for those
people not willing to be Guinea pigs.

> I do have another machine here running 2.1.x and the smbfsx stuff looks
> very stable and the packaging seems fine so I'm not critising your work.

No problem, I never thought that you were critising my packages :-)

So, I really don't know. I like the approach of having the chance to
choose. I would like to see Hamm out without support for the new
kernels. What would you recommend?



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