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Re: RH and GNOME


On Mon, 20 Jul 1998, Kysh Dragon wrote:

>Here's an experiment for the masses.. go to www.redhat.com and find
>information, within a few clicks, that RedHat is available for free
>download. Heck, find Linux referred to as a free operating system anywhere
>on the front page!

    I have personal reasons to dislike Redhat (one of their releases
completely trashed my system), but this irritates me.  Did you even try?
It took me thirty seconds to find the package download area.
Click the following, starting from http://www.redhat.com

Support [on the bottom]  
Installation Support [on the left side toolbar]

Package Listing

You will find, emblazoned in a large font, up on the top of the screen:

    Red Hat Linux Package Listings
    This archive hosts 871 RPMs representing 1101 MBytes of data

along with packages sorted by category, name, architecture, etc.

    That's two clicks.  

    I have objections to Redhat, but they're personal objections,
stemming from the fact that their release-time quality control is poor,
especially for a commercial distribution, their contrib section needs to
be relabeled "Dangerous Random Bits of Software", and their tools are
somewhat opaque, not in any particular order.
    Those are personal experiences and personal objections to the
software. But Redhat is still Linux, and whether or not they do it in
self-interest, they support both the development of software with
freely modifiable and redistributable code and the further spread of
Linux, and I see this as a good thing.  

    Somehow, it seems to be an easy thing to become afraid of
something different than yourself.  I suggest that anyone who feels
like they are giving into that urge stop a moment and ask exactly what
it is that they fear, and why.  Unless there's been something big I've
missed (and while that happens from time to time, usually by this time
someone else has brought it up), Redhat has no history of doing
anything more evil than naming libraries incorrectly, which is
something we can fix easily enough even if through whatever mystical
influence and midnight chicken sacrifices they manage to do something
similar to Gnome, since it's already been demonstrated that Gnome
isn't working for them.
    As a side note, I personally envy the guy who got the job there.
Without knowing anything about what he's doing, just the idea of
getting paid to hack on Linux sounds a lot more enjoyable than the
contracts I usually get.  Of course, my skills aren't that great,
either, but I suppose everyone has to start somewhere.  And let me add
something inflammatory here by saying that if they offered me a job
that payed a reasonable amount, I'd probably take it.  I find no
conflict of interest even in working on both Redhat and Debian, much
less working on Redhat and Gnome.
    Also, maybe I show my innocence here, but why do people get
concerned about who is employing who out here?  Employers control what
you do with their products, on their equipment, on their time or in
their name.  They do not have any right to what you do on your own
time on your own equipment in your own name.  It's not like technical
jobs are so rare that we're beholden for our existance to the first
company who hires us...

 Zed Pobre <zed@va.debian.org>  |  PGP key on servers, fingerprint on finger

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