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Re: RH and GNOME

Brian Almeida <bma@debian.org> wrote:
> The one thing that pisses me off about RedHat is that they *do* give
> the impressesion that there's only one distribution -- I've seen sigs
> on linux-kernel that say:
> "For a REAL OS, use LINUX -- http://www.redhat.com/"; I don't care
> about promoting redhat, but damn that makes it sound like it's the
> only one. Most of the developers here I've seen have something like
> 'Debian/GNU Linux....http://www.debian.org/' etc

Maybe we should have a link to redhat off our main page so the
red-hatters could link to red-hat through us...

Hmm... maybe that's not funny enough.  How about:

Q: How can you tell when debian is about to make a release?
A: The lists are clogged with bitching about other groups.


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