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Re: Question: gnome packages and apt

Nathan Sandver <nsandver@poboxes.com> writes:

> Hi.
> 	I'm have a question about apt and the gnome packages. Yesterday, I
> did an apt-get upgrade as usual, and only 3 packages were held back:
> afterstep, kernel-image-2.0.35, and xv, IIRC. Today, following an apt-get
> update and apt-get upgrade, the list of packages that were held back
> included the vast majority of the gnome packages. I checked in dselect, and
> those packages don't show up as being held back there. Does anyone know how
> this might have happened?

A while ago, when I decided to upgrade all my gnome packages, there
was one of the gnome packages that was mysteriously help back.  I
later discovered that this was because the new version of whatever
package it was that was being held back required a new version of some 
other package that wasn't available yet.  (so that if I upgraded,
dependencies would be broken, but if I held this one package back,
they wouldn't)

Anyway, I suspect that the new versions of the gnome stuff requires
either some package which isn't available or isn't selected (might
these packages depend on gtk1.1, which you haven't chosen to install
as the earlier versions didn't require it?)

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