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Re: sysvinit: rc vs. r2d2 bahavior

In article <cistron.19981230123040.O19769@spinnaker.rhein.de>,
Roland Rosenfeld  <roland@spinnaker.rhein.de> wrote:
>The policy tells us:
>     When `init' changes runlevel first the targets of the links whose
>     names starting with a `K' are executed, each with the single
>     argument `stop', followed by the scripts prefixed with an `S',
>     each with the single argument `start'.

Yes, that is correct. That is the short description.

>But this is what rc from sysvinit (and hopefully the rc from your
>newly patched file-rc, too) does:
>  1. Run all K??-scripts in the new runlevel with the parameter "stop"
>     except when starting up (prevlevel==N).

Ofcourse when prevlevel == N the K scripts do not get run - but that
is not obvious from the policy document. I does make a lot of sense.

>  2. Run all S??-scripts in the new runlevel which are not in
>     prevlevel as S??-scripts or which are also K??-scripts in the new
>     runlevel.

This is merely an optimization. When you go from runlevel 2 to runlevel 3,
and the squid proxy runs in both levels, you don't want to have it
stopped and started again ..

> When going to runlevel 0 or 6, use parameter "stop"
>     otherwise "start".

This doesn't make much sense, and I have been critisized for implementing it
this way.

The thing was, I needed a way to run "stop" scripts for the halt/reboot
procedures AFTER /etc/rc6.d/K99xxxxx. Since most of those scripts
didn't look at $1 after all, I just used /etc/rc6.d/SXXxxxx. Then some
scripts appeared that did look at $1. Now the easiest and most compatible
way to fix this was to just say "OK, Sxx scripts in runlevel 0 and 6
are called with the "stop" argument".

>I cannot find anything about the "prevelvel" exception in the policy

That should really be in there.

>and I didn't find a word about running all scripts with parameter
>"stop" when going to runlevel 0 or 6 there.

If we decide we do not want to do that, we should allow runlevel 0 and
6 to have K scripts with numbers > 99. Say K100 .. K199 or so. Then
migrate the Sxx scripts to K1xx.

Not in "slink" though, since all packages that install links in
/etc/rc{0.6}.d/Sxx should be updated at the same time and their postinst
should move the Sxx link to K1xx etc etc.

>b) the one implemented in sysvinit rc: this gets rid of the multiple
>   running with "start" by checking the previous level. But this is
>   only implemented for "start" not for "stop" (why?)

If there is a K link present, the script will be stopped. If there also
is a S link present, it will be started _again_. This is intentional -
if the maintainer of the package doesn't want the package to be stopped
and started, he/she can just not install the K link. In fact the K
link is not installed in runlevels 2, 3, 4 and 5 by default by update-rc.d

So it is the other way around - see it as a facility a package can
use to have the daemon or whatever stop and restart on a runlevel change.

>   and then there's 
>   the additional rule for changing the parameter to "stop" when going 
>   to runlevel 0 or 6 (which seems to be a bug for me, because when I
>   want "stop" as the parameter I will name the link K?? instead of
>   S??).

As I said, the problem was that I needed to add a bunch of scripts
after K99, and levels > K99 weren't defined nor supported by update-rc.d.
I didn't feel like fixing update-rc.d and doing an NMU for dpkg at the
time, because dpkg is a package I rather not fool around with.

>c) the one implemented in r2d2: this is completely logical, but quite
>   different from the above ones. It's only fault seems to be, that it 
>   came too late...

Also, running the K scripts in reverse order is logical but incompatible
with any package out there that depends on the order it's stop script(s)
is/are run in. And it's incompatible with most other Unices.

>As you can see b) doesn't implement a). So where's the argument that
>doesn't allow me to replace b) by c), which also doesn't implement a)?

b) is the defacto standard. a) is an attempt to describe it.
You need to follow b) and/or fix a) (and perhaps even fix b) if needed).

Indifference will certainly be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?

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