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Re: Replacing fdisk by cfdisk?

On Fri, Jan 08, 1999 at 01:23:27AM +0100, Vincent Renardias wrote:

> Since fdisk has been declared 'obsolete and unmaintained' by its
> upstream maintainer (Andries Brouwer), I'm considering removing it,
> and putting a link pointing to cfdisk instead.
> Does anybody see a technical objection to this? (like some non-i386
> arch where fdisk works but not cfdisk)

cfdisk is not an adequate substitute for fdisk. it's OK for simple
tasks, and good for novices but no use at all when you really need an
expert-mode partition table editor.

fdisk works and it doesn't have any outstanding bugs (that i know of - i
may be wrong here), so why get rid of it?

imo, keep fdisk and cfdisk and sfdisk.  

if ever there is a need to replace fdisk, sfdisk would be a better
choice. if i recall correctly, sfdisk can do everything fdisk can do
and more, plus it's completely scriptable (e.g. even cfdisk could be
emulated with a shell script, sfdisk, and dialog or newt).


craig sanders

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