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Re: PROPOSAL: source-${ARCH} directories in distribution

At 15:27 +0100 1999-01-09, Juan Cespedes wrote:
	Many people have said a lot of times that we break GPL and
other licenses when we have binaries which don't have the
corresponding source (mainly because different architectures have
different versions of binary packages).

	How about adding source-sparc, source-m68k, source-alpha...
directories, where one could find the source corresponding to the
current binary packages in each architecture?

I think that's overkill, as has been suggested before, dinstall should keep a reference count for each source package, and not delete the source until there are no more references to it in the archive.
Joel Klecker (aka Espy)                     <URL:http://web.espy.org/>
<URL:mailto:jk@espy.org>                  <URL:mailto:espy@debian.org>
Debian GNU/Linux PowerPC -- <URL:http://www.debian.org/ports/powerpc/>

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