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Re: dbuild running automatically on potato source tre

>>>>> "Lars" == Lars Wirzenius <liw@iki.fi> writes:

    Ben> You will most likely not ever get the gtk+/glib pairs of
    Ben> packages building automatically. The best you can hope for is
    Ben> to build the latest glib, install it, and *then* try building
    Ben> the latest gtk, installing *it*, and finally trying to build
    Ben> gimp. It's horrid, I know.

    Lars> Then I assume my dbuild setup won't build gtk+/glib... I
    Lars> don't mind installing (by hand, not automatically) missing
    Lars> packages, but I'm not going to shuffle them around like
    Lars> that.

    Lars> (I'm sure the gtk+/glib package maintainer or maintainers
    Lars> will come up with a good solution to this, sooner or later,
    Lars> so I'm not worried about the situation. There's still many
    Lars> other packages that need attention.)

Unfortunately, it's the only way things can work with glib, gtk+, and
GIMP. You can't build GIMP until you have GTK+. You can't build
GTK+ until you have GLib.

To make matters worse, many of the packages in potato now depend on
DIFFERENT versions of the libgtk1.1.*-dev package to build. It's
extremely frustrating for me, but there is no solution other than
forbidding packages that cannot build with different versions of
gtk+ 1.1.

Since I am the GTK+/GLib package maintainer, and I can't come up with
a good solution to this, I don't think there will be one. :(

Brought to you by the letters I and Y and the number 2.
"I wanna be Twist Barbie!"
Debian GNU/Linux maintainer of Gimp and GTK+ -- http://www.debian.org/
I'm on FurryMUCK as Che, and EFNet/Open Projects IRC as Che_Fox.

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