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Re: Packages.gz for a local partial debian tree

On Wed, 21 Apr 1999, Mauro Mazzieri wrote:

> Can someone please tell me what is the fastest way to set up a Packages.gz
> and a debian directory tree. I want to use it to set up a local debian tree,
> using the packages I've downloaded by hand, to put it in my
> /etc/apt/sources.list

Assuming your architecture is i386, just put your packages in
dists/stable/local/binary-i386, then write an override file for them,
and then run something like this:

dpkg-scanpackages binary-i386 override-file dists/stable/local/ | gzip -c > binary-i386/Packages.gz

from the dists/stable/local directory.

See the dpkg-scanpackages manpage for details.

> Also, what about a "local_mirror" option in the apt config file, that would
> allow to create automagically a partial debian tree with only the downloaded
> files?

Wait until the bug system is up, and then file a wishlist bug against apt.
Then apt maintainers will decide whether this is worth the effort or not.

[ Considering how easy is to create a Packages.gz file, my personal
  opinion is that it does not worth the effort ].


 "871d74aec87e265eb25a079cde5a619a" (a truly random sig)

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