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Re: Packages.gz for a local partial debian tree

On Wed, Apr 21, 1999 at 02:23:43PM +0200, Mauro Mazzieri wrote:
> Can someone please tell me what is the fastest way to set up a Packages.gz
> and a debian directory tree.
I made a tree like the one on ftp.debian.org
                 |              +-binary-all--+-*
put my local .deb's (or the ones from the staging area) there
and run the script:
cd /data/sw/debian-local
for d in gnome sonst; do
   dpkg-scanpackages "dists/unstable/$d/binary-i386" /dev/null '' \
       2>/dev/null | gzip -c9 > dists/unstable/$d/binary-i386/Packages.gz

and put the following line in apt/sources.list

deb http://theabovecomputer/debian-local unstable gnome sonst
(and a link /var/www/debian-local->/data/sw/debian-local)


Plug-and-Play is really nice, unfortunately it only works 50% of the time.
To be specific the "Plug" almost always works.            --unknown source

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