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Re: An 'ae' testimony (suggestion)

On Wed, 26 May 1999, Martin Kahlert wrote:

> I found a very small vi-clone named levee on
> http://www.pell.portland.or.us/~orc/Code
> its exefile is 36K. Would that be small enough?

Please do not let this (or any other vi clone) become the _only_ editor on
the boot disks.

A few years ago, I installed Debian (and helped friends install it)
several times without even knowing anything about vi. Boy, was I happy to
have ae on the rescue disk! Back in those days joe was my favorite editor,
but ae did the job.

Nowadays I love vi. But for somebody who has never used it, it's hell.

With all the on-screen help, ae can be used by anybody who needs an
editor. It may not be the editor of your choice, but it is small and
simple and it fits on the rescue disk.

IMHO, any editor that would replace ae on the rescue disk has to be just
as simple to use (for someone who has never used it before) as ae is.

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