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Re: Proposed changes to wesnoth-1.16 (fixes RC bug and autoremoval in boost1.83 transition)

The new best thing to create users is a  "sysusers.d" file which can even be upstreamed along the .service to fix the nobody:users mistake. 



Le dim. 31 déc. 2023, 09:45, P. J. McDermott <pj@pehjota.net> a écrit :

Thanks Simon for reviewing this change and correcting my understanding
of Policy on this matter.  I agree that would be the best solution.  So
postinst/prerm should adduser/deluser.

I wonder how a systemd service file provided by an upstream source
archive is supposed to handle this then, since as I said I proposed a
similar change upstream (which thanks to you I now see should probably
not be merged as-is, though I don't think upstream's current use of
nobody:users is any better, since systemd will even warn about it).

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