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Re: Generating new IDs for cloning (was Re: duplicate popularity-contest ID)

On Mi, 07 aug 19, 09:28:12, The Wanderer wrote:
> I've begun to wonder whether it might be worth the overhead to set up
> some type of mechanism to let packages which define such
> machine-specific IDs A: declare the fact, in a central location which

Do you mean /etc? :)

> the sysadmin of a machine where that package is installed can easily
> check, and B: define an automated way of performing the appropriate
> update / regenerate step in a way which covers all known places where
> the ID needs to be updated.

1. Delete the contents of /etc (all of it)
2. If a package doesn't find its "stuff" in /etc it regenerates it from 


Kind regards,

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