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Re: Bypassing the 2/3/4GB virtual memory space on 32-bit ports

On Friday, August 23, 2019, Karsten Merker <merker@debian.org> wrote:
and decide for themselves who is displaying "violent hatred" on
mailing lists and come to their own judgement about your

You've now violated the Debian Conduct twice in under an hour.


Karsten: I very deliberately made a conscious choice to respect the debian devel list members by not poisoning the list with an extremely toxic discussion.

I note that chose to do so *instead* of saying "ah yes I see your perspective, I see how the rewritten version was much less confrontational, I will try to improve my communication in the future"

In other words, your intention, just like Ted's word (where he chose to ignore information - deliberately or unintentionally - that I had provided, and used confrontational language *and you supported him in doing that*, Karsten), is not to work together to resolve matters, it is to inflame them and to poison this conversation.

Do you understand that that is what you have done?

Please can someone urgently step in and have a private word with Karsten and Ted, I feel that because of their unreasonable approach that they are making me feel extremely unwelcome to contribute further to this discussion.

Debian's Code and the matching Diversity Statement are extremely simple: the best tgat I have ever seen.  The combined documents request that people assume good faith, that they work together to further the goals of the Debian Project, and that people go out of their way to be inclusive of all who wish to see Debian progress.

I trust that these violations are clear and will be taken seriously.

With many apologies to everyone else on debian-devel that the conversation has been poisoned by hostile intentions.


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