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Re: Mozilla Firefox DoH to CloudFlare by default (for US users)?

On Sep 13, Ondřej Surý <ondrej@sury.org> wrote:

> > We are talking about preventing large scale censorship (I do not think 
> > that this is really about privacy) for *general users*: obviously *we* 
> > already know about countless workarounds.
> That’s a false statement. Right now, we are talking about sending _all_ your queries from
> just **one** application - Mozilla Firefox.  And what’s worse - if we are talking about protecting
> the users, it could lead to a false sense of protection - any other application in the system
> will send the DNS queries through stub resolver (e.g. most probably to whatever the system
> gets from the DHCP).
I have never argued for or against "protecting users": the problem 
I care about is DNS-based censorship of web sites and DoH from the 
browser to a third party resolver solves this, at least for the time 

> BTW there’s a new initiative - Encrypted DNS and if you look closely, ISC is on the list of
I have seen it: it is an interesting list of companies selling 
DNS-related products or services, USA ISPs who are highly suspect in 
their sudden interest in their customers' privacy and of UK ISPs that 
I assume are subject to regulatory pressure.

> participants from the very beginning.  There’s no doubt that we need to encrypt DNS, but
> in a way that won’t lead to every app sending it’s DNS queries to a different resolver.
This would be nice: maybe a few of these large companies would like to 
fund adding DoH support to systemd-resolved?


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