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Re: RFC: advise against using Proton Mail for Debian work?

nilesh@mailbox.org wrote:
>>2. The Proton Mail web client automatically encrypts email to anyone who
>>it has a key for.  Usually, this would be a great thing, but it means
>>that emailing 1234 at bugs.debian.org while CCing
>>uploader_since_this_is_an_RC_bug@debian.org will encrypt the email that
>>is sent to the BTSe...which has the effect of making Debian development
>>veiled in plain sight rather than "in the open".
>Does it not encrypt email per-sender?

Ewww, I certainly hope so!

Do we have any examples of encrypted mails hitting the BTS?

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
Can't keep my eyes from the circling sky,
Tongue-tied & twisted, Just an earth-bound misfit, I...

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