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Re: RFC: advise against using Proton Mail for Debian work?

On 2023-11-15 16:03:54 -0800 (-0800), Russ Allbery wrote:
> Well, you *can*, but you would have to then download the .tar.gz from
> PyPI, perform whatever checks you need to in order to ensure it is a
> faithful copy of the source release, and then sign it and put that .asc
> file somewhere (such as a GitHub release artifact).

Or build and sign the .tar.gz, then provide the .tar.gz file to the
upload automation on GitHub for publishing to PyPI.

Anyway, the related discussion topic on the Python Discourse forum
is already brainstorming alternative token permissions to make it so
that you can pre-create the per-project upload tokens for projects
before they actually exist, or perhaps make yet another token type
that can only upload an initial release and gets refused if the
project already exists on PyPI, so for people who don't want to or
can't use the "trusted publisher" authentication mechanism (which
only supports GitHub Actions for now), there will likely be more
options in the future that also avoid use of global API tokens.
Jeremy Stanley

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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