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Re: Policy: should libraries depend on services (daemons) that they can speak to?

On 1/7/24 15:36, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
Quoting Ansgar (2024-01-07 20:39:57)
I therefore think that libraries (be it classic C shared object
libraries or Python modules or others) should in general *not* have
Depends: or Recommends: relations on services (DBus services, DBus
itself, daemons, ...).
I thought this was already in policy.  If not then yes, certainly makes
sense to add that!
Regarding "I thought ... if not ...", please allow me to jump in and advertise a little bit.

$ debgpt -H -f policy_index.txt -A 'According to this table of contents, which part may have discussed dependency of shared objects on services which they can speak to?' --openai_model gpt-3.5-turbo-16k

LLM [2]> Based on the table of contents, the part that may have discussed the dependency of shared objects on services they can speak to is section 8.6, titled "Dependencies between the library and other packages." This section covers the dependencies between the packages of the same library and the dependencies between the library and other packages. It may include information on how shared objects can communicate with services they depend on.

$ debgpt -H --policy 8.6 -A 'does this section discuss that shared object packages should generally *NOT* Depends: or Recommends: services which they speak to?' --openai_model gpt-3.5-turbo-16k

LLM [2]> No, this section does not discuss whether shared object packages should or should not have dependencies on services they speak to. Section 8.6 of the Debian Policy specifically focuses on dependencies between the library and other packages. It explains the mechanisms of using "symbols" files or "shlibs" files to determine the required dependencies for shared libraries. It also provides guidelines for maintaining shared library packages and handling backward-compatible ABI changes.

lumin[3]> OK. Where should I add it if I would like to introduce this new policy?

LLM[4]> If you would like to introduce a new policy regarding shared object packages and their dependencies on services, you would need to propose the change to the Debian Policy mailing list. The mailing list is the appropriate forum for discussing and proposing changes to the Debian Policy. Once your proposal is accepted and approved by the Debian Policy team, it will be incorporated into the official Debian Policy document.


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