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Re: archive.debian.org mirrors

On Sat, Apr 27, 2024 at 12:16:04PM +0200, Simon Josefsson wrote:
> Hi
> According to the mirror list
> https://www.debian.org/distrib/archive
> it should be possible to reach archive.debian.org via rsync, however
> this fails for me.  Is this intentional, or can this be fixed?

https://bits.debian.org/2023/11/DebianDiscontinuesRsync.html -
try rsync://rsync.archive.debian.org/debian-archive/ 

> Further it seems mirrors are out of sync.  I noticed that several
> mirrors lack buster.  According to timestamps on archive.debian.org
> these directories were added on 2024-03-10 -- is it usual for mirror
> delays to be this long?

Buster is still in current Debian mirrors until June 30th or thereabouts 
when responsibility for it will move. 

I seem to remember a note that they were preparing archive.debian.org
for the move - and might be moving some files there over the coming 
months so that may explain the dates on the directories.

Not every published Debian mirror needs to include all archives for 
all architectures

> Seeing mirror functionality being uncertain, I have started to track
> archive.debian.org as a Git-LFS repository on gitlab.com.  Until rsync
> access against archive.debian.org is operational, this is based on
> mirror's content which may be stale. I hope to figure out which rsync
> mirror has the latest version, and keep this updated going forward.
> https://gitlab.com/debdistutils/archives/debian/archive.debian.org

See above, this may be entirely unnecessary. I suspect there is only 
one canonical location for archive.debian.org rsync - there's not a 
lot of point in duplicating a large repository.

With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater
> /Simon

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