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Re: Blood and souls for my lord alioth

I agree.  I really don't see any benefits to moving all of DDP working
areas to alioth. 

In fact, Josip and I have been talking about using a proper, simple
document metadata system (with a buncha little files) for our list of
docs and compose the lists of available document dynamically from
that.  Probably I'll attack that when I got doc-base 0.9.x in unstable
and its smooth.  It seems to me that using alioth is actually a step
backwards and would make that sort of thing harder.

I do see one benefit, which is, the ability to file bugs for
documentation not yet packaged.  But wouldn't it be even better to
just get all that packaged instead?

I think it makes more sense for individual documention authors/editors
to use alioth at their own discretion.

But maybe it's just because I'm not a big fan of the SF interface....

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@debian.org.....<URL:http://www.debian.org/>

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