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Re: dpkg upgrade/downgrade dependency problem

cespedes@debian.org (Juan Cespedes)  wrote on 13.04.98 in <[🔎] 19980413122720.43369@salmon.etsit.upm.es>:

> I still think it's the correct way to do this.

I think the right thing to do (but surely not the easiest one) is to have  
apt do _all_ dependency calculations, and dpkg none.

Of course, this collides with everything that currently interfaces dpkg,  
so it's more of a long-term goal.

And apt needs some way to deal with broken packages - what dpkg does with  
--force and stuff. I'm not quite certain what would be the best way to do  
this, though, given all the side effects propagated around by the  
dependency network. Maybe some way for a local config file to override  
dependencies for specific versions of specific packages? It could look  
like this:

control file for tk41:

VERSION: 4.1p1-2
MAINTAINER: David Engel <david@ods.com>
DESCRIPTION: The Tk toolkit for TCL and X11 v4.1 - Run-Time Package.
 Tk is an X11 toolkit that provides the Motif look and feel and is
 implemented using the Tcl scripting language.
DEPENDS: tcl75 (>=7.5p1-1), elf-x11r6lib
CONFLICTS: tk, tk40 (<=4.0p3-2)
SOURCE: tk41
SECTION: devel
PRIORITY: optional

override file:


Package: tk41
Version: 4.1p1-2
Depends: tcl75 (>=7.5p1-1), xslib
Comment: There is no elf-x11r6lib. This is obsolete.
 The libc5 libs are in xslib.


Then, apt would be able to use the normal dependency calculations, except  
for the dependencies as modified by that config file. Something like that  
is probably the cleanest possible solution.

MfG Kai

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