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Re: usb 2


On Thu, 25 Jan 2007, Gjermund Skogstad wrote:

> torsdag 25. januar 2007, 02:11, skrev nigel barker:
> > Some of my students have started bringing pen drives that don't work on
> > skolelinux. I think its because they are high speed only, ie. usb2.0 and
> > not 1.1. Is there anything I can do about it?
> I'd say that this is not a Skolelinux problem. As far as I'm aware the kernel 
> in Sarge supports USB2, and this suggests that the bottle neck in your USB 
> setup is in your hardware.
> As long as your hardware don't support USB2 there's really nothing much one 
> can do short of upgrading the hardware.

Is USB2 not supposed to be backward compatible?  I would expect the pen
drives to work, but at USB1 speeds.  I've never personally found a USB pen
drive that didn't work due to a mismatch of USB versions.


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