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Is there a livecd version of Debian Edu/Skolelinux either actually or in prospect?

Is there a live / livecd version of Debian Edu/Skolelinux, either actually or in prospect? From general web searches and the list archives I found something to indicate there was one around 2008 but it seems to have been discontinued.

My interest is to explore Debian Edu/Skolelinux before committing to installation, mainly because if I understand the distribution correctly it is populated with a number of programs which may make it easier for a beginner-intermediate user to use and manage (as a standalone machine not utilising network admin) than a bare Debian stable install (Xfce).

I suppose there is the alternative of installing in a virtual machine but I'm unfamiliar with the topic and wonder whether the available hardware (laptop with Windows 7 with 8GB RAM, i3) would be capable of running it well enough to test for use focused on GIMP, document scan post-processing activities and general web browsing among other things.


Robert Jones

SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://SDF.org

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