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Re: Gaia Sky

Hi all,

I have added a first version of the debian/ files to the build process of Gaia Sky. The directory is generated whenever a new version is built. The sources are here:


I have generated the directory for the current release, and uploaded it to a new gaiasky-debian repo:


I have also created a Makefile which may possibly become useful, or not. It is in the project root.

My current idea is to follow a process similar to the creation of the AUR package. The build script generates the debian/ directory, and then the deb packages is built from that. I'm not sure if that's how it's supposed to work. It is still quite unclear to me how the build process needs to work exactly.


On 31/10/2023 11:31, Ole Streicher wrote:
Hi Mike, Toni,

sure, I'd be happy to have Gaia Sky in Debian! For the Debian team where it would fit, I would agree that both fit. Maybe use Debian Edu as "maintainer", and put Debian Astro as "uploader" (or vice versa).

If you (Toni) is interested in packaging it, and you (Mike) willing to sponsor, having Eebian Edu as primary would probably the best; in any case I am also willing to help and/or sponsor.



Am 31.10.23 um 08:32 schrieb Mike Gabriel:
Hi Toni,

On  Do 19 Okt 2023 09:01:19 CEST, Toni Sagristà Sellés wrote:

Hi there,

I am the developer of Gaia Sky (https://zah.uni-heidelberg.de/gaia/outreach/gaiasky), a free and open-source astronomy visualization software (3D Universe-like). The most important feature of Gaia Sky is that it supports catalogs of over a billion objects in real time.

We offer already a .deb package for download in our website.

A long time ago, there were attempts to bring Gaia Sky to the official Debian repos (see https://codeberg.org/gaiasky/gaiasky/issues/39). The discussion was initiated by Ole Streicher, but sadly nothing ever materialized.

Do you think there's still interest to make it happen? Would Gaia Sky be a good candidate for Debian Edu Astronomy?


also a reply from me.

It is always good if Debian package maintainers have a personal interest in the software to be packaged. As you seem to have that, you are probably the first/best candidate to pick up the packaging task for the initial, official Debian upload. Also, count me in as a possible sponsor / coach for getting the packaging of Gaya Sky polished enough for the initial upload.

Does a debian/ folder for the software already exist? How did you create the .deb packages? If the debian/ folder is available, is it published somewhere, e.g. on codeberg.org?

Also Cc:ing Ole on this, maybe he still has interest in the software... The software is suitable for team maintenance by the Debian Edu Packaging Team, but also suitable for packaging under the umbrella of the Debian Astronomy team.

@Ole: can you give feedback? Are you still interested?


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