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Re: Debian Edu 12 - Call for Testing

Hi Mike,

On Fri, Feb 16, 2024 at 8:11 AM Mike Gabriel <sunweaver@debian.org> wrote:

### Quick Start HowTo

For testing Debian Edu 12, set up e.g. LXD or libVirt and install (at 
least) three virtual machines. In your virtualization software prepare 
an internal network where the VMs can reach one another without 
needing access to your local network.

Instead of LXD, I would recommend using Incus (https://linuxcontainers.org/incus/).
Incus is a recent community fork of LXD (which is owned by Canonical).

I had some instructions about how to test Debian Edu with LXD.
These instructions are still for Debian Edu 11, I have not done the testing yet for Debian Edu 12, but it should be very similar (I guess). I hope that I will find time to do it soon, and update/correct these instructions.


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