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Re: CAll for standard bastion smtp: ssmtp


> 	Humm.. serialmail is Maildir -> SMTP. Why would you want that?
> 	It would mean installing qmail, and messages go through it's
> 	queue and then to Maildir which is just a queue for serialmail. 
> 	Only way I see is if you are going to inject messages into the
> 	Maildir yourself.

Yes exactly. The maildir format is very easy (which should be a basic
prinipal in the security area). I would use the /usr/bin/sendmail emulation
from ssmtp or from qmail to drop the files into a maildir and use serialmail
tosend them. This is a simple queing system for local generated mails.

Adding smtpd/smtpfwdd from optuse will add a method of accepting remote
mails. (Unfortunatelly I am not sure if this sendmail-emulation will be
enough to handle all broken mail headers (for deliver). Perhaps its better
to use a full qmail, as u have suggested.

Oh, btw: Optuse smtpfwdd is watching the exit state of the sendmail-program.
So running ssmtp will be just fine from the optuse smtpd queue, cause it
will retry (if smmtp is reporting failures via sendmail compatible exit

  (OO)      -- Bernd_Eckenfels@Wendelinusstrasse39.76646Bruchsal.de --
 ( .. )  ecki@{inka.de,linux.de,debian.org} http://home.pages.de/~eckes/
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